Thursday, November 18, 2010

Alcohol Energy Drinks Banned

The US Food and Drug Administration has effectively banned the sale of alcoholic energy drinks by declaring that that caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcohol drinks. There have been an increasing number of reports of teens and college students being hospitalized after drinking the beverages.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard says he applauds the move. For several years his office has warned about the potential danger of alcohol energy drinks. He says some of them are packaged to look like non-alcoholic energy drinks. And some contain the alcoholic equivalent of four to five beers, and the caffeine equivalent of four to five colas, or one or two cups of coffee, in just one can.

The federal Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau says it will require distributors and retailers to stop selling the alcohol energy drinks identified as unsafe by the FDA.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Yes, you are right drink alcohol is not good for health. That caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcohol drinks. Now teens and college students being hospitalized after drinking the beverages. So many many thanks to you to provide this unique information about it.
