Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Miami Schools Using Free Apps for Security Systems

Two schools in the Miami Unified School District are partnering with a company that makes mobile apps and cloud based sotware to provide tighter security.

The Safer Schools Campaign uses the new Presence application by People Power to recycle outdated iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches into Wi-Fi security cameras. The mini-cameras are placed in various locations around Lee Kornegay Junior High School and Charles Bejarano Elementary School to help with security monitoring.

Traditional security systems are extremely costly, but the Presence app is free, and the schools are turning to the community for donations of outdated or unused small appliances.

1 comment:

  1. I think security system has become integral part of our lives

    and we need to be very serious about this

    I believe security apps for every device is a great initiative for all

